


代表取締役 CEO
浅野 裕亮 Yusuke Asano

2002-2010 株式会社キーエンス
2010-2013 ACT MARRIAGE
2013- 現在 株式会社ONE ACT
2021- 現在 One Act UK, Ltd.
イギリスに関連会社One Act UKを設立。CEOを兼任。
2021- 現在 One Act US, Inc.
アメリカに関連会社One Act USを設立。CEOを兼任。
2023 European International University Parisにて、
経営学の専門博士号 Professional Doctorate in Business Administrationを取得。

欧州 4YFN ベストスタートアップ
日本 インデペンデンツクラブ大賞 年間グランプリ
中東アフリカ Supernova AI Innovator分野 準優勝
日本 東京ニュービジネス協議会スタートアップピッチコンテスト 優勝
アジア The International Prime Awards Asia スタートアップ・オブ・ザ・イヤー
米国 The Go Global Awards AI分野 準優勝

米国 Top 50 most admired companies to watch
インド Transformational CEO’s
英国 Best Software Development CEO
米国 20 Most Trustworthy Companies of the year
米国 Inspirational Business Leaders To Watch
米国 30 Innovative Brands of the Year
米国 Asia’s Most Influential Leaders
米国 10 Most Futuristic Business Leaders To Watch
インド Best Entrepreneurs to Watch
米国 10 Most Innovative CEOs to Watch
米国 10 Best Companies to Watch
米国 5 Emerging Business leaders
米国 10 Most Inspiring CEOs in Business
米国 Most Innovative Business Reader To Follow

・スペインのU-tad(University Center for Technology and Digital Art)とICT教育プロジェクト

Representative Director and CEO
Yusuke Asano, Japan

Yusuke Asano started his career at KEYENCE, which has the second largest market capitalization in Japan after TOYOTA, and acquired the know-how to improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes using hardware parts and achieve the highest operating profit margin in Japan.
And he is creating a breakthrough in the software development industry by using that know-how. That’s PieceX, the world’s first AI-powered marketplace for buying and selling Software Source code.
He creates new market for software parts that did not exist before, dramatically reducing development time and costs for buyers, and providing high profit margins for sellers. Currently, PieceX is already used in over 200 countries and regions. This innovative web infrastructure is revolutionizing the software industry and creating a new economy around the world.
He has also led the launch of two venture companies, has Professional Doctorate in Business Administration, and has excellent management skills.

・KEYENCE Corporation 2002-2010
Engaged in consulting sales, team management, sales strategy planning, etc.
・Act Marriage 2010-2013
Supervised the launch of a web service company (bridal related) as a representative, and then transferred.
Besides management, provided management consulting at an independent consulting firm.
Also launched the Tokyo business of a software development company as a division manager, and supervised the system integration business and smartphone application development business.
・One Act, Inc. 2013-Present
Founded ICT Startup, and assumed the position of CEO.
Launched PieceX, the world’s first AI-powered source code marketplace.
Obtained business patents for “source code trading system” and “source code trading system using AI”.
・One Act UK, Ltd. 2021-Present
Established an affiliated company One Act UK Ltd. in the UK, and assumed the position of CEO.
・One Act US, Inc. 2021-Present
Established an affiliated company One Act US Inc. in the US, and assumed the position of CEO.
Obtained “Professional Doctorate in Business Administration” at European International University Paris.

Europe ”Best Startup” at 4YFN
Japan ”Annual Grand Prix Winner” at Independents Club Grand Prix
Middle east & Africa ”Runner-up of AI Innovator field” at Supernova
Japan ”Winner” at Tokyo New Business Conference Startup Contest
ASIA ”Startup Of The Year” at The International Prime Awards Asia
USA ”Runner-up of AI field” at Go Global Awards

Media Awards:
USA Top 50 most admired companies to watch
India Transformational CEO’s
UK Best Software Development CEO
USA 20 Most Trustworthy Companies of the year
USA Inspirational Business Leaders To Watch
USA 30 Innovative Brands of the Year
USA Asia’s Most Influential Leaders
USA 10 Most Futuristic Business Leaders To Watch
India Best Entrepreneurs to Watch
USA 10 Most Innovative CEOs to Watch
USA 10 Best Companies to Watch
USA 5 Emerging Business leaders
USA 10 Most Inspiring CEOs in Business
USA Most Innovative Business Reader To Follow

Industry-academia collaboration:
・Industry-academia collaborative ICT project with Tokyo University
・Industry-academia collaborative ICT education project with Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology in Thailand
・ICT education project with U-tad (University Center for Technology and Digital Art) in Spain
・Joint research project with Ottawa University in Canada
・Industry-academia collaboration market research project with the University of Texas in the US

Click here for interviews about service and management.


『Founder Yusuke Asano Aims To Revolutionize The Web Infrastructure Landscape With PieceX by Forbes England』

『The visionary founder by Forbes New York』

『Most Innovative Business Reader To Follow by The Enterprise World』

『10 Most Inspiring CEOs in Business by Fortunes Business Review』

『The 5 Emerging Business Leaders by CIOTimes』

『The 10 Most Innovative CEOs to Watch by TimeIconic』

『10 Best Companies to Watch by BIZTECH Outlook』

『The 10 Most Futuristic Business Leaders To Watch by CXO Inc Magazine』

『Best Entrepreneurs to Watch by CIO Bulletin』

『20 Most Trustworthy Companies of the year by Global Radiance Review』

『30 Innovative Brands of the Year by The Silicon Review』

『Asia’s Most Influential Leaders by The Inc Magazine』

『Inspirational Business Leaders To Watch by CIO Look』

『TRANSFORMATIONAL CEO’S – The Shakespeare of the Tech World by EliteX』

『Top 50 most admired companies to watch by CEO VIEWS』

『起業家インタビュー by THE INDEPENDENTS』

『時代を切り開いた経営者の軌跡 by Manage Story』

『テクノロジーで未来を創る人に光を当てる by THE』

『鮫島正洋の知財インタビュー by THE INDEPENDENTS』

PieceXエンジニアリングチーム CTO
Patrik ドイツ出身
PieceX Engineering Team Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Patrik, Germany
Majored in Computer Science, Patrik is an engineer with a wealth of experience in development at IBM and Oracle.
He is a quality control specialist at PieceX making sure to commit to product inspection.

PieceXエンジニアリングチーム CMO
Marwen チュニジア出身
PieceX Engineering Team Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Marwen, Tunisia
Majored in Computer Science, Marwen has strengths in the mobile domain and is proficient in many programming & spoken languages, making him a very proficient Engineer and Global Marketer.

Clement フランス出身
PieceX Engineering Team
Clement, France
Majored in Engineering
He is in charge of NFC communication and encryption technology development, mainly in R&D engineering.
He is a full-stack engineer in charge of everything from design to feature development.

Absalom カメルーン出身
PieceX Engineering Team
Absalom, Cameroon
Majored in Computer Science
He is a full-stack Engineer with strengths in financial system development and data intelligence.

Hareem UAE出身
PieceX Engineering Team
Hreeem, UAE
Majored in Computer Science
Data Scientist, an engineer who leads AI development.

Lucas フランス出身
PieceX Engineering Team
Lucas, France
He has strengths in the WEB and mobile Engineering

Cheryl ナイジェリア出身
PieceX Sales Team
Cheryl, Nigeria
Majored in strategic studies and management.
A global salesperson with extensive experience and insight in not only the private sector but also public projects as a business developer, mainly with experience at HP.
She is in charge of all of Africa.

Hadi インド出身
PieceX Marketing Team
Hadi, India
He is a digital Marketing specialist with 10 years of experience in Digital Marketing/Team Handling/Analytics/E-commerce.

Soraya スペイン出身
PieceX Marketing Team
Soraya, Spain
She is a specialist covering everything from graphic design to UI/UX Design.

Nadia ベラルーシ出身
PieceX Marketing Team
Nadia, Belarus
She is a specialist of UI/UX Design.

Moe エジプト出身
PieceX Marketing Team
Moe, Egypt
He is a specialist covering everything from Content Writing to Marketing.

PieceX back office team
Shoko, Japan
Graduated from a British university.
Worked at Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
She has consistently engaged in international business at an IT company and a consulting firm.
She has extensive experience in project management and business consulting of international projects.

Kim.Y 韓国出身
Consulting Team
Kim, South Korea
Majored in Control and Measurement Engineering
He is in charge of web development and DB design for major companies such as SK Telecom and Samsung Card.
He is a specialist in PHP, Ruby, .NET, DB design and web development.
